Creating a Budget

Your budget is a master grid or a simple one page management page where you can enter new items, edit items, or delete items.  For each budgeting item you will have the option to enter the following information:

  • Line Item - give it whatever descriptive name you need to keep track and identify each item
  • Stage - is this item for the pre-event, event, or post event?
  • Category - choose from one of the seven pre-set budgeting categories
  • Quantity - how many of these items are needed (see more information below)
  • Amount - how much is this item?
  • Total - this auto calculates for you
  • Edit button
  • Delete button


Quantity Greater Defined

We assume that each item entered is considered a cost per person - this is why we default to a value of 1.  Below the quantity field you are also given the option to select “Per Person?”.  This check box will take the value of the quantity times the value of the amount times the quantity of event attendees.  Most times you will not use this function but it’s nice to have if needed. 

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