Who ever wants to be quarantined?! Maybe a few people out there but it’s not likely.
Thankfully there are tons of creative things you can do (and should do) to engage your participants even now as people are home.
We've mentioned how vital communication during a crisis can be. Don’t miss this opportunity to guide your people into a greater missional journey. Point to God with these ways to serve during quarantine.
Prayer - create a prayer guide around missions (partners, projects, people, regions, needs) to send out to your participants to be praying each day for something missional.
Learn - encourage them to keep learning in their missional journey either through a missions book or programs like Perspectives on the World Gospel Movement.
Books - send out books about missions that people could read - biographies of missionaries, missions philosophy, stories, etc.
Support Local Healthcare Workers - remember the work that local healthcare professionals are doing to combat the COVID-19 virus and reach out to provide a meal or help them in some way.
Elderly in Area - reach out to local nursing homes or other facilities to see if could use assistance with supplies, errands, or other needs.
Encouragement - write encouragement notes to missionaries, partners, donors, or others who are part of your missional community.
Assessments - encourage your participants to take an online assessment (Enneagram, Meyers- Briggs, Strengths, etc.) to learn more about themselves and how their unique design could be used for missional purposes.
Donate to a Cause - there are tons of causes out there now helping people in need around the current virus or financial circumstance, donate to one of those causes.
Missional.Life - create a Missional.Life account to learn more about who God has made you to be, what story He has written, and where He might be calling you.
Research - learn more about the specific field you were planning to visit to learn more about their culture, the religious makeup, their history, and their needs.
Zoom Meetings - host a team Zoom meeting to keep everyone connected and engaged. Zoom meetings can be great to keep everyone’s mind in the game.
Share Stories - have everyone share stories (online if possible) about what they are learning through this season about their short term trip hopes.
Have you or are you planning on using any of these ideas? Let us know on our facebook page.
This is one post of many we're doing related to the current crisis. Download Cancelled: A Guide to Maintaining Missions Engagement When Your Short-Term Trip is Cancelled.