If you have purchased the ability to manage stories, this is where you can view and manage stories shared by participants. This gives you great control and review before any stories are shared and pushed to your public pages. Let’s unpack how stories work:
A participant can share a story at any point of their engagement (before, during, or after the event). They can share a story by clicking the “Share Your Story” button on the opportunity page.
If you have the review feature enabled for your account then each story that is shared will generate an email to your organization admin (not your opportunity admin). This will prompt the organization admin to review the story and approve the story. The opportunity admin will also be able to approve these stories.
Several things actually happen. Each story that is shared (and published/approved by admin) will populate on the opportunity page, the person’s personal donation page, the story embed widget, and each of each respective participant’s donors will receive an email notifying them of a story shared.