Customized Opportunity Emails Introduction

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We understand that the standard communications will not cover all of the touch points you need with you team.  To get started, click on the green “Schedule Email” button on the Communications tab of your opportunity management.  

Building your Email

  • Audience - Are you sending this to your opportunity participants, everyone who has applied, or to all who have donated?  The default is to your participants.  The donor selection will send an email to anyone who has donated to any of the participants of this opportunity (say for example you have ten team members and each have ten donors… this would generate an email to 100 people).  NOTE: These donors must donate to the participants through your ServiceReef organization account in order to populate in this email.
  • Message Subject - What shows up in the title bar
  • Message Body - Your message
  • Signature - Your organization’s name, your name, etc.
  • Attachment - Perhaps you need to send out a medical form or some waiver, simply attach that file here.
  • Schedule - You can either send the email immediately or set a date/time for the email to send.  To send immediately simply click the “Schedule Email” button.  If you select a date/time then the email will sit in your email directory and send on the specified date and time.  

We do recommend that you send a test email of your communication before sending out to your audience group - this simply helps you to make certain you’ve communicated what you intended to communicate.

Customized emails will be posted in a list on the Communications tab page allowing you a view to see all emails (sent email and future emails).  You can edit emails waiting to send.  

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Passport as Application Field Type
Now a better way to manage passport! Managing passport information can be a challenge each participant may have a passport, may be applying for one, or even your favorites who don't even know.  ServiceReef has built a simpler way to manage passport data in a way that matches how your participants live life and manage their own passports.  Let's explore how this now works.   How do I make passport data part of an application?  A new field has been created in the application builder (both for the Master Application and the Event Application) to require passport field data.  You can drag and drop this block of data at any point into either of these applications.  We do recommend you not do both.  For most organizations this is best to keep at the event level as you may have a number of domestic events where a passport is irrelevant.  Once you have added this item you will also have the option to make these fields mandatory.   What information is collected? The fields include: Passport Status Full Name on Passport Passport Number Passport Date Issued Passport Issed By Passport Expiration Date Passport Image Upload (encrypted)   How do we access this information once it has been entered by the participant? If you add this as an application field, the data is accessible through the participants application and the export fields for your team.   Can the user update their information? Yes, ServiceReef dynamically links these question fields with the user's profile so they can go into their profile at any time and update any passport information.  You can instruct your participants to log into their accounts and find the Passport tab to the left of their account.