Application questions are the specific pieces of information (questions) you want to ask those who are applying for one of your opportunities. You do not have to build application questions but most organization determine a need to ask a few basic additional pieces of information. We also recommend that you do ask a few questions to help gain a better perspective on your applicants, their interests, and their fit with your organization.
Some example questions you might ask:
- How did you hear about us?
- How have you been involved in missional living?
- What other short term trips have you attended?
- What have you learned from other short term trips?
- Why are you applying for this opportunity?
- What do you hope to learn from this opportunity?
- What fears/concerns do you have?
- How does your family feel about you attending this opportunity?
- What are your personal strengths?
- What are your personal weaknesses?
- What skills do you have to offer?
- What is your profession?
- Do you attend our church / are you a member of our organization?
- Do you have any dietary restrictions?
- Are you physically fit to perform the team tasks of this opportunity?
- Is there anything else we should know?
You are given the ability to add various types of questions for an application. Simply click and drag from the right listing of question types to start. You can always add questions, edit questions, or delete questions. Questions can also be noted as mandatory or not.
Here are the types of application questions you can build:
- Single Line Text - Perhaps you were asking how many global opportunities someone has participated in to date.
- Paragraph Text - Perhaps you were asking for someone’s reason for applying for this opportunity.
- Drop Down List - Perhaps you want to know how someone heard about your organization.
- Single Selection - Perhaps you want to know which activity someone desires to serve in most.
- Multiple Selection - Perhaps you want to ask all that apply to someone’s interests and or skills.
- Section Break - Perhaps you want to divide your questions into understandable categories
- Page Break - This segments the user experience to move to a new page in answering questions. We recommend this for two reasons - first, each time someone moves from one page to another the information is saved, and second, this helps make your application not seem to cumbersome in length.
- Upload File - Here you can require a file to be uploaded during the application process - perhaps you require a copy of their driver’s license or their proof of insurance… or you require someone’s resume to apply.
NOTE: ServiceReef requires basic participant information, such as name, email, phone, and address. You don’t need to add these as additional questions in your application. When you view a participant’s application all of the ServiceReef data will be displayed with each user along with their answers to your specific questions.