Every opportunity is unique so we’ve built the requirements to match the uniqueness of how you run opportunities and how these all unique form each other. These are open fields to give you maximum flexibility. We’ll help think through a few ideas with you to get you started.
How many spaces are you looking to fill for this opportunity? Set a number here and ServiceReef will automatically shut down opportunity registration at the point of filling all of these spaces. NOTE: If the opportunity requires an application the opportunity will show spaces available until the maximum number of applications have been accepted for the opportunity.
Do you have any restrictions for those people applying/attending this opportunity. Consider things like age, physical ability, etc.
Do participants have to have completed certain prerequisites in order to attend this opportunity? This might be a training you require or perhaps you require serving locally before serving globally.
What are the expectations for those who will be attending this opportunity? List as much as you need to here - this is where you can capture the work people will be doing and any other expectations that need to be noted.
Many times we have additional steps for participants once they’ve applied/been accepted for one of our opportunities. Here you can list items such as apply for a Passport, talk with your family, fundraising, or any other preparation steps you might have.
Don’t forget to save changes every time you update your opportunity information.