Pipelines are a systematic tool to help organizations guide people through a process toward a certain goal. This tool was designed in partnership with organizations to guide people step by step through a process to equip and prepare them for missions and long term service. We now see organizations using this for leadership development, long term missionary preparation, and many other creative ideas. Anywhere that you might be guiding people through a process that you want to track... this is the tool for you.
Mission Control - your first step is to locate Mission Control from your top right drop down menu. This will bring you to the area where you will find your most common actions.
Pipelines Block - look for the block to the middle left for managing your pipelines. You will see three key options.
Manage Current Pipelines
Create a New Pipelines
Manage Coaches
From the Pipeline directory page you can select the "New Pipeline" button in the top right of the screen to create a new pipeline. You can also clone a previous pipeline you've already created. Start with a title that makes since but also intuitive as you may be building multiple pipelines.
Many of these terms may be new for you. That's okay, but let's clarify quickly so you feel more assured.
Pipeline - the entire process of walking someone from the beginning to the end (image above).
Stage - a single phase of a pipeline. Pipelines are made up of stages. These are the vertical columns in the image above.
Pipelines are powerful tools for managing progress but they are also a clean slate of design. You will need to have a plan for your stages. For example, if you are preparing people for long term missionary service then you might have the following stages: Application, Assessment, Orientation, Selection, Preparation, Placement, 90 Day Review, etc. Think of these in progress terms.
NOTE: You can also auto assign new individuals in a certain stage to a specific Track. More on this in the Tracks Quick Start Guide.
Once you have built your stages then you can start adding people to the pipeline and much more. Let's explore all that you can do once you have your pipeline established.
Now, most of us won't be using all of these tools but it's good to know the features that are here. This tool is a powerful way to help guide people toward certain goals.
This is some advanced information and you're doing great. Here's what we know... while this is more complex, it's also only for organizations who have a high desire and degree of maturity for mobilizing, equipping, and stewarding people toward a greater goal. If this is you then this tool will revolutionize how you prepare your members for global impact.